Elder Care

elder care in Massachusetts

Exciting News for Massachusetts Families: Granny Pods are Now Legal!

I’m thrilled to share some groundbreaking news that could revolutionize how we approach elder care in Massachusetts. The state has just legalized Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), often affectionately called “granny pods,” across the commonwealth. This development is a significant victory for families, especially those in the “sandwich generation” who are juggling the care of both …

Exciting News for Massachusetts Families: Granny Pods are Now Legal! Read More »

Kimberly Butler feartured Image

Caregiving in the Digital Age: How Uber is Making Life Easier for Families in Essex County

If you’re caring for an aging parent or loved one, you know the challenges of managing their transportation needs. Whether it’s doctor appointments, errands, or social outings, ensuring they get where they need to go safely and reliably can be a constant worry. These worries are especially common if you’re noticing signs of cognitive decline …

Caregiving in the Digital Age: How Uber is Making Life Easier for Families in Essex County Read More »

Andover Medicaid Planning

Andover Medicaid Planning: Unraveling the Mystery of the 5-Year Look-Back Rule

As you delve into the world of Medicaid and long-term care planning, you’ve probably come across the dreaded “5-year look-back rule.” This rule often leads to confusion and misconceptions, with many people believing they need to deplete their assets to a mere $2,000 within five years of needing care. But the reality is far more …

Andover Medicaid Planning: Unraveling the Mystery of the 5-Year Look-Back Rule Read More »

North Shore elder law attorney

Planning for a Loved One’s Rapidly Changing Needs: Guidance from a North Shore Elder Law Attorney

Receiving a diagnosis of a progressive disease like Alzheimer’s is devastating for both the individual and their loved ones. Amidst the emotional turmoil, it’s crucial to address practical and legal planning to meet the evolving needs a progressive illness will bring. While it’s difficult to predict the exact trajectory, some plans made in the early …

Planning for a Loved One’s Rapidly Changing Needs: Guidance from a North Shore Elder Law Attorney Read More »

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