Estate Planning

Kimberly Butler feartured Image

You’re online, right? Someday your executor may need to be

Here’s a quick query regarding the so-called digital universe that exists online: How many accounts do you think an “average” Internet user has? One can almost hear the wheels spinning for readers seeking to come up with a quick calculation. There’s email, right? And probably at least one — and, in many cases, several — …

You’re online, right? Someday your executor may need to be Read More »

Kimberly Butler feartured Image

Craft it, forget about it; not an optimal recipe for estate planning

It is certainly as important as the act of initially creating a sound and tailored estate plan to take an occasional peek at it thereafter and make tweaks as necessary. Because those tweaks — and, sometimes, major revisions — will become necessary. Life has a habit of rendering any “immutable and forever” plan, well, mutable. …

Craft it, forget about it; not an optimal recipe for estate planning Read More »

Kimberly Butler feartured Image

Caring for a special needs child, now and after you’re gone

Loving parents in Massachusetts and elsewhere worry about their children with physical and/or mental disabilities, and understandably so. Caregivers wish they could live forever, standing resolutely beside their loved ones and helping them face and conquer every challenge. That is simply not meant to be the case, of course. Parents do ultimately pass, most often …

Caring for a special needs child, now and after you’re gone Read More »

Kimberly Butler feartured Image

Focus: estate planning for truly high-asset families

“Wealth doesn’t come with a handbook.” So says a multimillionaire business principal who, like many similarly wealthy individuals, duly stresses about the future of his children. Although that concern might seem a bit misplaced — even incongruous — for well-heeled business tycoons and families in Massachusetts and across the country, it is decidedly the case …

Focus: estate planning for truly high-asset families Read More »

Kimberly Butler feartured Image

Like other important things, estate plan needs periodic updating

It’s laudable, of course, if you have already expended the necessary time, effort and well-considered thought necessary to craft a soundly tailored and forward-thinking estate plan to provide for your family, lawfully avoid taxes, fund your favorite charity, establish a personal legacy and so forth. Undoubtedly, you felt a sense of accomplishment and relief in …

Like other important things, estate plan needs periodic updating Read More »

Kimberly Butler feartured Image

No heirs or living spouse: still a need for sound estate planning

Some individuals in Massachusetts and elsewhere across the country likely feel sometimes as though they are standing outside a bubble denoted “estate planning and administration” and contemplating others within it who are timely and rationally taking care of business in that important realm while they are not. Indeed, that feeling of uncertainty and — for …

No heirs or living spouse: still a need for sound estate planning Read More »

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Regulating financial services: estate lawyers and new proposals

Flatly unlike any number of other individuals and business entities that provide clients with important information and represent them in key areas of life involving families, finances, health and other considerations, estate planning attorneys are held to unquestionably high standards. That is, they can suffer personally adverse consequences if the performance they deliver is deemed …

Regulating financial services: estate lawyers and new proposals Read More »

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The broad universe of estate planning: What does it entail?

Paradoxically, it might be conducive to any discussion focused on the parameters of estate planning — most centrally what it chiefly entails — to cite immediately what it is not. And that is this: a narrow area of the law in Massachusetts and nationally that deals almost exclusively with the protection of amassed wealth for …

The broad universe of estate planning: What does it entail? Read More »

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