Who’s the Boss? You Are, With Help from an Estate Planning Attorney in Andover

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Ever catch yourself humming “We’re Not Gonna Take It” when thinking about getting older? You’re not alone. Many of us worry that aging means waving goodbye to our independence, dignity, and control faster than you can say “early bird special.” But here’s a plot twist for you: with the right estate plan, you can stay in the director’s chair of your own life story, even when the plot gets complicated.

As an estate planning attorney in Andover, I’ve seen firsthand how a well-crafted plan can keep you calling the shots, no matter what curveballs life throws your way. Let’s break down how you can remain the boss of your own life.

Lights, Camera, Action: Your Healthcare Directive

Think of a healthcare directive as your personal script for medical decisions. It tells everyone exactly how you want to be treated if you can’t speak for yourself. Want to avoid being kept alive by machines? Put it in the script. Prefer all possible treatments? Write it down. Your healthcare directive ensures your medical wishes take center stage, even when you can’t voice them yourself.

The Understudy: Healthcare Proxy

Your healthcare proxy is the person you trust to make medical decisions for you if you can’t make them yourself. They’re not replacing you; they’re representing you, making sure your healthcare wishes are respected and your voice is heard, even when you can’t speak up. 

The Supporting Cast: Power of Attorney

Every boss needs a trusted right-hand person. That’s where your power of attorney comes in. This legal document lets you choose someone to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to do so. It’s like having a stunt double for your decision-making process – they step in when you can’t, but they’re following your lead. 

The Big Picture: Revocable Living Trust

Think of a revocable living trust as your production company. It holds your assets and outlines how you want them managed during your lifetime and distributed after you’re gone. The best part? You’re the CEO, writer, and star of this production. You can change the script anytime you want, keeping you in control of your assets.

The Encore: Letter of Intent

This is your chance to explain the thinking behind your decisions. Why did you choose certain people for specific roles? What are your hopes for your loved ones? It’s not legally binding, but it can provide invaluable guidance and comfort to your family.

Keeping it Fresh: Regular Reviews

Just like any good show needs periodic rewrites, your estate plan should be reviewed regularly. Life changes, laws change, and your wishes might change too. Keeping your plan updated ensures it always reflects your current desires.

Remember, creating an estate plan isn’t about giving up control – it’s about maintaining it. It’s your way of saying, “I’m the boss of my life, and I’ve got a plan to keep it that way!”

Ready to take charge of your future? Contact an estate planning attorney in Andover today. We’ll help you craft a plan that keeps you in the director’s chair, no matter what plot twists life throws your way. With a solid estate plan, you’re not just the star of your life story – you’re the boss, the director, and the producer. Lights, camera, action – it’s time to start planning!

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